Monday, May 2, 2011


This morning when Melissa got Elliot up from his nap, he had a bloody nose with blood all over his face and on his sheets. Then when she went to wipe him while changing his diaper she was getting blood on the wipes (although none was visible in his stool). We called the office and they told us to come on in. His Hgb was stable (12.1). Some of his clotting labs were a little off, making him susceptible to bleeding, but nothing was off enough to warrant a transfusion yet. Since we came in they gave him his dose of chemo today. This was the first time they have accessed his port since being discharged last week. We put some numbing cream on the port before to minimize the stick of the needle accessing it. Needless to say, Elliot didn't like having it accessed, but they were able to give the chemo and draw labs in about a minute and then de-access the port. His AGC (immunity count) was 136 today. That is the lowest it's been yet but that is to be expected.

They told us that the steroids we are giving him would increase his appetite significantly and make him irritable. Well, both are true, and our boy has been blossoming (see the picture). This morning Elliot woke up around 4 am saying "I hung'y. I hung'y". He has been eating often throughout the day, but nothing really seems to make him happy. He has also been feeling miserable the past few days. Occasionally we can get him to break a smile (like for this picture), but not often.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. He is such a cutie!!!! We are praying regularly for you guys. In fact, if we pray and do not mention Elliot, Norah reminds us...every time!!!!!

  3. Praying for you guys and little Elliot. Thank you for keeping us posted.

  4. Hey Dave and Melissa!! Thanks so much for the update...we love y'all and are praying for you/thinking of you ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!

  5. We pray for Elliot and your family each night. Thanks for the updates. We'll continue to pray his agc number will improve.

  6. What a cute little belly he has now! We continue praying for you often. Thank you for keeping us updated--it's good to know how we can pray specifically.

  7. Melissa, Wanted you to know that Linda shared your blog with me. How inspiring to me to see your faith at work during Elliot's illness. I will keep all of you in my prayers. Dottie

  8. Your blogs shows how strong of faith you have in the Lord during this trial! You are a encouragement to me! Praying for Elliot and his family! Cindy Mullins

  9. He cannot get any cuter! What a sweetie! Praying for you all often! Thanks for the updates!

  10. I just wanted to let you guys know that I am praying for you and your sweet little boy.
